Sunday, October 16, 2011

Writing Articles That Capture The Audience

There's thousands, millions of article sites out there. You might even count blogs as article web sites and there are new ones popping up every day. The question is: what writing makes you want to read them?

You. You you you.

You. It's all about you. When writing an article or a tutorial, make sure it's directed to the person reading it. No one cares about what the author thinks, you want to get the job done. You don't care about them. Make sure you don't use words like "we, us, I" and use "you." It keeps the article or tutorial personal.


Keep the grammar casual, but still good. Do you want to sift through a mess of spelling errors and run-on sentences trying to figure out what the author is saying? No, of course you don't. No one does. Spell check it, grammar check it, read over it once. Make sure your readers can understand you.


When you read an article, usually you want to see some kind of concrete proof about something the author is talking about. If the article you're reading is a tutorial, you want to see the end result, right? So put it at the beginning. You don't want to have to scroll all the way down to see what the final outcome of all your work is to decide you don't like it. Put your examples at the top to show your readers.

Keep It Casual

Make sure your readers aren't bored. If you're going to be writing a long article, might as well make it fun for them to read. You don't want to read an article straight from a science journal (unless it is a science journal), and even then it should still be somewhat casual. I've seen some science articles that are interesting because of how it's written.


Put a spin on your writing. Make it your own. It's cliche, yes, but do it! No one wants to read the same idea over and over. I know I've been somewhat guilty of it, but some rule breaking is allright. Like talking about myself here. It's an example. Refer to #3.

Bold Words

Bold words always help. So do lists, links, and quotes. Readers like you can skim for the bold words they're looking for, and find what they want. It's perfect for them. Saves time, and gets to the point.


Always have an awesome conclusion that wraps it up nicely. You always want to see that whole work of art brought together with a nice summation. So if they want to skip that boring article you wrote because they didn't pay attention, you can hope they'll read that nice summarized conclusion. Like this: Make the article personal, use lots of examples and styled text to make the article easier for the user, watch your grammar, and make the article your own and have fun with it!

Writing Articles For The Web That Get Read Is Easy When You Know This

Writing articles for the web is a learned skill. And you can learn it. In fact, you can master it. Once a professional writer in the print publishing world, I had feature articles published by some well-known names (Woman's Day, The Washington Post, Family Circle, Christian Science Monitor and more). Fortunately, as a self-publisher online, I'm able to transfer some of my professional print writing skills to this form of online publishing. I don't struggle with writing articles. And that makes filling my websites with useful, well-written information a lot easier for me. But it's not so for everyone. Some people struggle with article writing. Maybe that's you.

Do you struggle with writing articles for your website readers? Do you want to write articles for other newsletters and websites that get free website traffic for you, or just more traffic to your website? If you struggle with article writing or if people don't read your articles, I may be able to help you. While writing content for the web and writing content for print publications is not exactly the same, there is some overlap. Here are some things I've learned about both content formats that might help you write better articles for both web publishers and for your websites.

Your article should have:

ORIGINAL CONTENT - The one word magazine writers hate to hear their editor say is "fresh". Editors frequently use the word as a reason to reject submissions as in "your tips are just not fresh enough". Editors want originality. Their publishers want originality. Readers want originality. Everyone is in agreement about wanting original article content.

But if something has been said or written about a thousand times before, you CAN still say it again. You just need to have your own original spin and be using your own words (that means no plagiarism too). You need to have your own writing style or personality (which you'll develop with time). My research tells me that originality is what both readers AND search engines want from online content. They want original content. The articles at your website need to be "fresh". The articles you submit to publishers need to be "fresh". With practice and persistence and a little bit of diligence thrown in you CAN write original articles for the web or for your website (to add diversity to all those reprint articles collecting on your site).

CATCHY TITLE - The online experts say you need key words in your online article titles or headlines to catch the attention of the search engines in the right way. That means you need to put the term or phrase you think people are searching for on your subject near the front of your article title (or at least somewhere in it). But you also have to remember that you're still writing for readers. So on top of making your article title work for search engine optimization, it still has to entice viewers to read it.

You don't necessarily need a clever article title, just one that appeals to your target audience and briefly describes the article topic. If I'm looking to lose weight quickly you can be certain "Weight Loss - 3 Easy Steps to Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days at Home" will catch my attention. If I want to know what Britney Spears is doing (and by the way, I don't), a title like "Guess What Britney Spears Did Now" will catch my attention and make me read further. But if I'm trying to learn the difference between a flat panel monitor and a flat screen, I'm perfectly happy reading an article with a boring title such as "Flat Panel Monitors and Flat Screens Defined for the Home User". That title addresses my need at the time for specific information I'm seeking on the web. And it has your key phrase "flat panel monitors" right in front too.

GREAT LEAD - The best title in the world won't keep readers engrossed in your article, if the first paragraph stinks. In the print world, editors happily rewrite their writers' leading paragraphs to make the lead just so. There are MANY ways to write a leading paragraph. Just remember that your goal is to intrigue the reader while giving him a clear indication of what he's about to learn in your article. And the SEO experts say the first sentence, or near the beginning of your first paragraph, is a good place to put that key word or phrase once that you're focusing on for the search engines' sake.

GOOD GRAMMAR AND SPELLING - Sloppy writing affects your credibility and makes you look lazy. And it makes for a bad reader experience. If you want to keep readers coming back to your website for the content (or publishers coming back to article directories to use your content), get a grasp on your spelling and grammar. A dictionary and grammar book by your side while proofreading your article will be helpful.

CONCISE FLOW - In high school, many students fluffed up their articles with extra words when the teacher assigned them the task of writing a certain word count. That trick isn't useful after high school (if you ever considered it useful). Most likely you have plenty to say about your topic if you know it well or if you've researched it well. Tight concise writing is as appreciated in the online world as it is in the print publishing arena. Don't repeat yourself or use excessive words to make a point or statement. That will help keep your copy clean. And know that concise writing doesn't necessarily mean short articles. You don't have to write 300 word articles. You don't have to write 3,000 word articles. Just don't write a 1,200 word article that really can be written in 500 words.

It's these writing techniques that make you a professional writer and not a sloppy amateur whose writing for the web doesn't get read. And it's these techniques that will help you to add better content to your website and get your articles published by other websites and newsletters. And good article writing means more traffic for your website.

Como Mantener Tu Salud Mental

En los últimos años la mucha gente se ha dado cuenta de la importancia de una dieta apropiada y acompañada de ejercicio físico. En los pasados 20 años sin duda ha habido un cambio en cuanto al estado de salud de muchas sociedades, que ha determinado una mejor calidad de vida. Sin embargo, esto no ha traído salud mental que es tan importante como la salud física.

Hoy en día, la mayoría de la gente hace de 4 a 6 horas de ejercicio por día, y se asegura de que todo lo que ingiere, no tiene azucares o preservantes, pero no prestan atención a su salud mental. Es decir, mucha gente no toma las vacaciones necesarias, ni siquiera en los fines de semana largos. La gente trabaja 60 horas por semana, llevándose a las casas los problemas del trabajo y trabajando los fines de semana también. Todo esto con esperanzas de mejorar la calidad de vida material. Pero, ¿de que sirve todo el esfuerzo cuando el cerebro esta abundado y sientes explotar en la oficina?

Al final, la salud física puede sufrir no importa que bien comas y hagas ejercicio. Probablemente tengas alta presión, estrés y tensión lo cual pondrá en alto riesgo tu salud.

Para ayudarte a evitar llegar a alguna de las anteriores situaciones, aquí te presento algunos consejos para mejorar tu condición mental.

Si disfrutas la adrenalina, te recomiendo que pruebes deportes como kite surfing, bunge jumping, y demás. Si disfrutas andar en motocicleta es muy bueno andar en contra del viento como terapia para relajarse y disfrutar un buen viaje.

Buscar actividades que te desconecten de la rutina diaria (la cual a veces puede ser estresante) es la clave principal. Por ejemplo, si disfrutas leer, un buen libro de ciencia ficción como "Harry Potter", "Lord of the Rings" u otros pueden ser perfectos para ti. Si disfrutas en cambio mirar películas, entonces comienza con hacerte socio de una tienda de DVDs y veras que bien te hará.

Actividades como paseos fuera de la ciudad, visitar viñedos, campos, parques y demás son esenciales a la hora de relajarse. Si disfrutas las montañas, todavía puedes ir a visitar la nieve, esquiar y aflojar tu mente. Las vacaciones, por más pequeñas que sean te llenaran el alma con memorias alegres y positivas.

Si disfrutas andar en bicicleta, o en patines esas son actividades que te destaparan y ayudaran a sentirte mejor. Siempre es divertido hacerlo con amigos que estén dispuestos a un poco de aventura. Organizar un grupo grande de gente que quiera hacerlo es una buena idea, que los puede llevar a conocer lugares que nunca creías que ibas a encontrar. Ríos abandonados, pasajes que están cerrados para la gente, bosques y demás lugares increíbles para conocer.

En fin, hay un sin fin de actividades para llevar a cabo si buscas caminos diferentes para mejorar tu salud mental y relajarte naturalmente. No olvides que la salud mental es tan importante como la física y que para tener una hay que tener la otra!

Como Hacer Que Tu Tiempo Sin Compania Valga La Pena

Cuando empecé a escribir este articulo, pensé en como pase el ultimo mes sin necesidad de un compañero y aun así, muy entretenida. Es importante clarificar que sea la razón que sea que te encuentras sola o solo, mejor así que mal acompañado! Y que no hay por que avergonzarse! Una vez teniendo eso claro ya llega mi lista de recomendaciones, entretenimientos para ti.

Datos útiles para ayudarte a conectarte con ti misma:
  1. Si eres miembro de un DVD club cerca de tu casa, mejor. Sino, hazte miembro! Películas que valen la pena para una noche que buscas un poco de acción: The Man Inside (con Live Owen y Denzel Washington), Blood Diamonds (Con Leonardo Di Caprio), Babel (Con Brad Pitt) entre otras.
  2. Si estas con amigas y quieren algo romántico, Prime (con Uma Thurman), In her Shoes (Cameron Dias), The Hollyday, (Cameron Dias, Kate Winslet). 
  3. Si buscas reirte con algo simple y un poco ridículo te recomiendo My Super Ex Girlfriend (Uma Thurman), Just Married, Monster in Law, y The Devil wears Prada. 
  4. Hablando de satisfacción culinaria, puedes averigua de buenos restaurantes delivery, en Sushi, Pizza, Pasta, Chino, Japonés, cualquiera sea que te guste mas. Si no estas en el humor de ordenar comida y disfrutas de cocinar es una buena opción! 
  5. Para descargar toda la mala energía o para refrescar tu mente reincorporarte en el deporte que mas disfrutes. Patinaje, Yoga, bicicleta, Gimnasio, etc. Te ayudara a sacar todas las preocupaciones y retomar energías. Si es un día soleado aprovecha una buena caminata o corrida con tu I-pod y relájate! 
  6. Si disfrutas leer, la literatura también es un buen método para ti. Autores como Pablo Cohelo, cuentos de Harry Potter, Gabriel García Marques, son mis preferidos para desconectarte de la realidad y pasar al mundo de lo imaginario. 
  7. Juegos en Linea son una gran opción si disfrutas juegos de azar o de mesa. Puedes jugar gratis o por dinero al Black Jack al Póquer mientras chateas con otros jugadores en línea. 
  8. La música es un acompañante esencial para muchas actividades. En el Jazz, Bossa Nova, Blues, y Soul mis recomendados son Ray Charles, Norah Jones, Maxwell, Jewel, Sting,  Sade, Bilberto Gil y Tony Bennet.
Sin duda hay un sin fin de entretenimientos y cosas para disfruta de una noche o día sin compañero y aun así utilizar el tiempo de la mejor manera posible. Películas de acción, libros de fantasía deportes, música, buena comida, pueden ahora ser tus buenos amigos.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Classic TV And The Commercials That Entertained Generations

The 1950s were arguably the golden age of television and many people of a certain age look back fondly at some of the shows of the time – “The Lone Ranger”, “I Love Lucy” and “Gunsmoke”. These shows were in black and white and were watched on a set that got its signal from a huge antenna on the roof, but they were loved just the same.

Almost as compelling as the TV shows themselves, were some of the commercials of the time. TV was still a novelty during the 1950s and companies were anxious to cash in on the new craze. Particularly popular were commercials for cigarettes, cars and state of the art kitchen appliances. And the average length of TV advertisements was around a minute – compared to the 30 seconds or less today.

Beer was also one of the products widely advertised on TV during the 1950s.  At first, it was only late at night and never on a Sunday, so as not to offend anyone. During the early part of the decade, Blatz Beer became one of the beer industry’s biggest advertisers, partly due to the company’s sponsorship of the popular “Amos ‘n’ Andy” show.

One of the most instantly recognizable characters in television advertising at the time was Mabel. Mabel was a chirpy blond waitress who appeared on screen with a tray of Carling Black Label beer. Almost every Carling commercial featured the phrase that became famous – “Hey, Mabel, Black Label!”

Cigarette advertisements were commonplace during the 1950s – a big change from television today. Some of the biggest tobacco manufacturers of the time spent a lot of money trying to convince us that smoking was sophisticated and fun, including Lucky Strike, Tareyton and Winston.

One famous Lucky Strike ad featured a clever combination of cartoon and live action, featuring the singer Gisele McKenzie. Tareytown had an ad that featured what appeared to be two children dancing around a giant pack of cigarettes. And who can possibly forget the Fontane Sisters singing the praises of Chesterfield cigarettes?

Car manufacturers went to great lengths to advertise the latest models on television during the 1950s despite the loss of aesthetic effect on a black and white screen. The Ford Edsel was advertised at great length as the most beautiful convertible in the world, complete with such wonderful and innovative features as “teletouch” driving and air suspension.

It wasn’t all just cars, beer and tobacco. Some healthier products were advertised as well. One of the most well known ads of the era was for Pepsodent toothpaste. The TV ad featured a cute cartoon couple kissing after having brushed their teeth, and the catchy and unforgettable slogan – “You’ll wonder where the yellow went, when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent!”

TV advertisements for kitchen appliances pointed out features that we now take for granted. A General Electric ad from the time for a new refrigerator consisted of a proud couple explaining the features of their sleek new fridge which included shelves that slid out, storage space behind the door and a separate freezer compartment.

And some things don’t seem to have changed much over the years. Tupperware ran a series of TV ads during the 1950s which featured an exciting Tupperware evening at a typical suburban home, organized by a “hostess”. Almost as much emphasis was placed on the social aspect, as on the actual features of the product.

One of the most prolific TV advertisers during the 1950s and subsequent decades was Pepsi. Their advertisements captured the feeling of the times like few others. One of the company’s earliest featured the actress and singer Polly Bergen enjoying a barn dance and a refreshing glass of Pepsi-Cola.

Not to be outdone, Coca-Cola was just as prolific with their ads and came up with several memorable slogans, such as “There’s nothing like a Coke”. Coca-Cola also went after the young crowd, with an ad featuring people at diners and drive-in movie theaters and a jingle that claimed “Zing! What a feeling!”

Many television viewers firmly maintain that the advertisements are just as good as the actual shows themselves! It seems as though that was especially true back in the 1950s. And if you just can’t get enough of those old commercials, you can enjoy some of them on DVD or online.

~ Ben Anton, 2008

Citas A Ciegas

Para todo aquel que busque encontrar su alma gemela, media naranja, amor, enamorarse, un compañero de emociones o como quieras llamarlo es algo difícil de encontrar. Para algunos desde ya no es algo complicado, les ha pasado a los 15 años, 18, 22, en fin ya comparten el día y la mayor parte de sus vidas con alguien desde hace mucho. A otros, sin embargo les es más complicado y duro de encontrar.

La experiencia de las citas a ciegas es algo inolvidable, bueno o malo puede ser interesante. Como dicen, la experiencia es cuando no encuentras lo que buscas. Sin embargo hay casos en que esta experiencia se vuelve en lo que uno busca.

Si eres de aquellos que creen en que un amigo, familia o alguien que te conoce puede llegar a tener a alguien con el cual encuentres lo que buscas, la pregunta es ¿Por qué no probar?

En mi caso personal, experimente varias citas a ciegas y amigas mías también lo hicieron. Algunas fueron sorprendentes, en el sentido de buenas y otras de malas. Es como un juego de ruleta una pequeña probabilidad en muchas de que salgas feliz o que algo interesante salga de ello.

Una amiga de mi mama quiso que conozca al hermano de su nuera. Cuando llegue al lugar de la cita y lo vi, rápidamente me di cuenta de que no era para mi pero quizás podía pasar un buen rato. El chico, trajo consigo un poema que había escrito y quería decírmelo.  Era una situación muy rara e incomoda ya que el y yo no concordábamos en nada y no teníamos nada que ver. El problema era que la amiga de mi mama no me conocía tanto, y creía que si. Es por eso que la cita no funciono.

En el caso de mi hermana, al mudarse a un país nuevo la única forma de conocer gente y chicos era por medio de citas. Lo gracioso de la historia es que la señora de la lavandería le propuso salir con su hijo y ella acepto. Al llegar a la cita el chico tenía labio leporino y era nada atractivo en su aspecto. Mi hermana no podía disimular no mirar a su labio y en el medio de la cita encontró a otro chico en la mesa de enfrente que le gusto.

Mi amigo, que es gay y yo salimos hace unas semanas a una fiesta con una amiga mía. Los dos se hicieron amigos y ella le comento que tiene un amigo de su clase de la universidad que también es gay y es muy lindo. Entonces arreglaron que por que no se conocían. AL final de la noche intercambiaron teléfonos y quedo ella en hablar con su amigo. Su amigo acepto y se llamaron. Al encontrarse los dos no tenían nada de lo que hablar y el otro para hacer la cita más corto no pudo disimular su desinterés y hacia todo rápido para irse antes.

En fin, las citas a ciegas son algo que debes hacer si la persona que los conecta los conoce bien y puede llegar a saber que te gustara de la otra persona o que buscas. Sin embargo no hay certeza de que saldrás contento de una forma u otra. Puede pasar que de casualidad la persona te encante y que si tienes la mente abierta saldrás ganando.

Top 11 Reasons to use article submission sites

1.    Credibility.  You wrote the article.   You are the subject matter expert.  This is especially when you submit a well-written article about a topic that you have a passion for.

2.    Visitors.  When you write an article, you also add a "resource" box with your name, a little bit about you, and a link to your web page.  This will get your web site visibility all over the Internet.

3.    Links.  Having your web site listed, along with all of your articles, puts links on other related sites. When the search engine spiders crawl the Internet and find your link on other sites, it will smile and index your site quicker, make your site more popular in the search engines, and list your site more often in the various directories.

4.    Visibility.  Others will pick up your sites for their web sites, blogs and eZine.  This will increase your site’s brand and give you a competitive edge.

5.    Exposure.  Many sites list the most current articles on their front page giving you “front page” exposure.

6.    Free Advertising. It doesn’t cost anything to post your articles.  Your article could wind up on hundreds or thousands of web sites.

7.    Money.  If people like your work, you could get hired to write articles for others.  Good writers are in huge demand.

8.    eBooks.  You could compile your related articles and put out an eBook – either for free or charge for it.  Adding your links to the eBook will provide additional advertising.

9.    Trust.  Since you will recognized as the subject matter expert, it will be easy for you to market related products on your web site.

10.    eZines.  You could contact other eZine publishers and do an article exchange.  This will give you guaranteed visibility in another’s eZine giving you more credibility and even more visibility.

11.    Money.  Along with possibly getting paid for writing articles for others, you can make money by having fresh content on your web pages incorporated with an advertising system like Google’s AdSense.

To submit or not to submit, that is the question.

seen them. They are places to go to submit your original articles about topics you are very knowledgeable about and also sites to visit to acquire some fresh content for your site, blog or eZine.

Let me give you a handful of reasons to add your articles to these sites.  First off, and to me most important, is that it gives you credibility.  You are now the Subject Matter Expert (SME).  So, your article must reflect that expertise.  Make sure your articles are well thought out, flow well and get your point across.

Second, along with your article, you will now have links all over the Internet.  The reason for this is you add a small “resource box” at the end of the article with some info about you and a link to your web site.  This will help with search engine indexing and also with popularity in the search directories.

The next reason for submitting articles is free advertising.  Your articles, along with links to your sites will now be everywhere giving your site the visibility it needs – and the best part is – all of this is free.

The fourth reason to submit is money.  You can earn cold, hard cash with AdSense ads, income from the products on your site, and affiliate links.  You will have more visitors that will result in more money.  You may even receive requests from eZines to write articles for them.

Finally, you will gain the trust of your customers.  They will consider you an expert and be more likely to visit your site and purchase your products.

So, you can’t lose.  It doesn’t take much time to write an article and submit it to many article sites.  You will have fun, get visibility and get to show off to your friends about what a great author you are.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sacred Secrets of Effective Essay Writing Process

In today’s highly competitive and ever-changing world it is extremely important to acquire the ability to explain your point of view, your contention as well as the gist of the topic you are familiar with. Whether you intend to become a teacher or have chosen other career path, it is imperative, even indispensable for many careers to develop good communicative skills. During your study at the University you might be assigned with several types of written assignments that help you to develop and enhance communication skills. I would like in this article to focus on two of them, expository essay and persuasive essay. In spite of the fact that the structure, style and some other elements of these writing projects are similar, there are some notable differences between them.

The main purpose of expository essay is to teach you to develop communication skills by learning how to acquaint your reader or listener with the knowledge that you possess. Depending on the subject you are assigned with, your expository essay should include factual information which should be backed by reliable, trustworthy and up-to date evidence. It might be advisable to write in the third person in this type of the written assignment. Try to avoid using of such words as “I”, “we” or “our “as much as possible. In this way your expository essay would fit more to the standards of the educational institution set for this type of the essay. Also, remember as this is a factual essay you should avoid explaining your point of view or contention on particular subject, as in this case your attitude must be defended. The essay, where your contention is stated and defended is named “persuasive essay”, I will deal with it later. Let us examine how the expository essay should be composed. First you must state your thesis. One should bear in mind that it must not be too broad as the length of expository essay is usually short.  Your sentences should be written in easy to read, logical and coherent style. All facts should be backed up by evidence. One should restate the thesis in the last final paragraph of the essay. If you follow these simple rules you will be bale to compose the expository essay that meets the requirements set by your tutor.

In contrast to expository essay, persuasive essay should not only provide your reader with your contention, it should back it up so the reader understands why your point of view is better than the contentions of your opponents. Whereas the main purpose of expository essay is to explain the facts of view, the aim of persuasive essay is not only to explain your point of view, but to convince the reader that your point of view is right. The plan of your persuasive essay might be similar to expository one; however, it is advisable to include in the body of your assignments several important elements. First, one should consider strong and weak point of your argument and the contention of your opponents. Second, your contention in this type of the essay should be backed by the up-to date and trustworthy evidence in order to convince e your reader that information provided by you is reliable. In this way it would be easy for you to learn how to persuade even the most skeptical persons.

Running Music

If you feel that you are becoming a couch potato and putting up weight, it is a time to take a serious action so as to avoid any further complication where your excess weight leads to health hazards and other complications. Well, if you are not a gym freak, then make sure you check out some amazing running music that will definitely motivate you in order to speed up your exercise routine and help you keeping fit and staying in fine shape. A good running music helps you in keeping the tempo with your exercise regime and listening to your favorite music while sweating out on treadmill or jogging in park.

Running music helps in uplifting the mood and increasing the levels of performance where the style of music along with the beat, rhythm, lyrics and the volume leads to the creating of perfect ambience where one gains psychological and motivational edge. One cannot deny the fact that running has various physical benefits and in order to make this session more delightful, it is much better to have an iPod or a MP3 player that dishes out our favorite numbers and helps us in continuing our jogging and running schedule.

Running music helps you in keeping undue stress, tensions at bay so as to provide you a relaxing exercise schedule while cutting you off from the unnecessary worries of everyday life so that you can concentrate on your task. This will help you in providing a relaxing and enjoyable workout session that distresses you in a simple way. However, do take care of the music levels if you are listening from an iPod or MP3 player so that it does not hurts your ear drums. A peasant song will definitely help you in enjoying your exercise session. So, if you are looking for a perfect work out session, make sure you do forget to check out the latest and the best running music collection. However, if you an aerobics freak, you can simply play amazing running music in your computer or music system that helps in offering you in a superb workout session where you enjoy every bit of stretching the muscles. Therefore, while getting your exercise kit ready such as running shoes and track suit, do no miss to carry your running music collection that helps you in unwinding yourself while working out to get a fit and fine body.

This article is originally published here: Running Music

Monday, October 10, 2011

Casino Royale: Le Retour

L'histoire veurt que James Bond a été anobli et est devenu Sir James Bond. Ayant pris sa retraite, ce dernier vit dans son château en Écosse. Son ancien patron, « M », chef des services secrets britanniques, vient lui demander de reprendre du service. Bond refuse. Apres de multiples tentatives pour le convaincre enfin, on  lui fait exploser son château.

« M » ayant péri dans l'explosion du château, Bond part présenter ses condoléances à la veuve de son ancien patron, lady Fiona McTarry (McTarry étant le vrai nom de feu « M »). Mais Bond ignore que le château des McTarry a été investi par les agents de l'organisation SMERSH, parmi lesquels l'agent Mirabelle qui se fait passer pour lady Fiona.

Après moult péripéties Bond se rend à Londres, où il reprend la place de feu McTarry à la tête des services secrets britanniques. Il monte une stratégie pour faire face au SMERSH, c'est à dire nommer tous les agents James Bond, avec pour tous l'indicatif 007 et les entraîner à resister à la séduction féminine. L'un des agents phare sera Mata Bond, la fille qu'il a eu avec la danseuse et espionne Mata Hari.

Puis l'histoire devient de plus en plus surréaliste jusqu'à une scène finale explosive et à l'issue surprenante.On y retrouvera avec grand plaisir toutes les astuces et pour les fans de jeux de Casino, de belles scenes en perspectives avec un suspense a vous couper le souffle.

Dans le role de 007, on y retrouvera Daniel Craig,dont le jeu est irreprochable. Seulement mesdames, ne vous attendez pas au legendaire sex appeal de 007 que l'on a connu. Rien a voir avec Pierce Brosnan et Sean Connery.

La premiere sortie cinematographique de Casino Royale date de 1967, avec dans le role de James Bond, David Neaven.

Mais le saviez vous?
Albert Broccoli (producteur de Goldfinger et de James Bond 007 contre Dr. No) n'a jamais pu obtenir les droits du roman Espions faites vos jeux (Casino Royale), ceux-ci ayant été acquis précocement par la chaîne de télévision CBS (qui en fit un téléfilm en 1954), puis par le producteur Gregory Ratoff, qui mourut en 1960 avant d'avoir pu monter une nouvelle adaptation du roman. Sa veuve revendit les droits au producteur Charles K. Feldman qui, voyant l'énorme succès des James Bond produits entre-temps par Broccoli et Saltzman, entreprit de monter Casino Royale pour le grand écran. L'acteur choisi au départ était bien évidemment Sean Connery mais ce dernier déclina le rôle, notamment à cause de son contrat avec Broccoli et Saltzman. Le film aurait d'ailleurs dû se faire en collaboration avec ces deux derniers mais les négociations ayant échoué, Feldman décida de changer de projet et de faire récrire le scénario sur un mode plus humoristique.

L'acteur retenu pour jouer sir James Bond fut David Niven, dont on notera au passage qu'il fut l'acteur qu'avait toujours souhaité Ian Fleming pour incarner son célèbre agent 007.

L'intrigue du film n'a que peu de rapports avec celle du roman dont il est tiré.

Du fait du nombre de réalisateurs et de scénaristes de Casino Royale, le film est relativement décousu et son rythme déroutant. Certains plans très travaillés esthétiquement sont suivis de scènes un peu déconcertantes... La critique ne fit pas un très bon accueil au film quoique celui-ci, malgré un budget énorme pour l'époque, rentrât dans ses frais. La musique de Burt Bacharach interprétée notamment par l'orchestre de Herb Alpert, et certaines scènes lounge font de Casino Royale un film emblématique de l'époque dite Pop et un monument de ce que l'on appelle désormais l'Easy listening, au même titre que des films tels que Diamants sur canapé (Breakfast at Tiffany's) ou The Party.

Casino Prive Et Programmes d'affiliation: Comment Ca Marche!

Le secteur le plus porteur de cette décennie reste le casino en ligne. Pour faire face à ce phénomène, les casinos mettent en place une stratégie marketing vous proposant des programmes d'affiliation, de plus en plus répandu dans le monde des casinos virtuels.

Si vous faite partie de la catégorie des affiliés audacieux des plateformes de gambling, vous serez accueillis tel un VIP lors de votre inscription et des outils marketing des plus performants vous seront alors mis librement à disposition. Sans oubliez bien évidemment les célèbres bannières, du matériel créatif afin de promouvoir le casino que vous aurez préalablement choisi parmi la gamme proposée. Attention toutefois de choisir avec attention, car cette activité est un vrai business comportant ses propres règles que voici.

Avantage du programme d'Affiliation:
  1. Vous pouvez toucher une commission s'élevant de 30 à 35% sur les casinos en ligne sérieux.
  2. Vous pouvez remporter des  gains illimités. La seule chose que vous devrez faire est d'insérer un logo que vous désirez affilié sur votre site de gambling. Si l'espace venait à vous manquer, contactez les fournisseurs de jeux afin de trouver une solution intermédiaire. Toute personne cliquant sur la bannière sera dès lors votre client.
  3. L'inscription est simple. Remplissez simplement un formulaire en ligne et votre enregistrement sera complet.
  4. Insérez dans votre site une alette des jeux de casinos incontournables tels les jeux de cartes, les roulettes et les machines à sous, sans oubliez les jeux populaires tels le Keno,le Craps etc, et les jeux de grattage.
  5. Prenez conseil et laissez vous assister dans le management du program d'affiliation par des professionnels, afin de pouvoir connaître et  bénéficier des meilleurs outils. Connectez vous également sur les sites offrant les dernieres versions des produits existants.  
  6. Obtenez les meilleurs résulats.Convertissez votre traffic en argent.
  7. Profitez des bonus, remises et autres promotions, sans oubliez les avantages attribués aux nouveaux inscrits. 
  8. Motivez vos clients par des promotions courantes.
L'innovation et le professionnalisme sont les clefs de la réussite des casinos en ligne et du gambling en général. Face aux fluctuations d'Internet et des dernières tendances, les programmes d'affiliation des casinos restent le meilleur investissement.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

How To Write A Problem Solving Article

If you are like me then topics and ideas for writing articles about my product, service or niche can be tricky and getting started even worse.

You will probably know the problems people have in your industry. If you don't then you should find out by asking your customers or searching on the internet. Forums can be a great source for finding problems people in your market suffer.

Over time I have found that writing to a formula works well as it gives you something to hang your words on and breaks up the writing into manageable chunks.

The problem solving article works so well because you have the opportunity to show that you know what you are talking about and help the reader at the same time. You build a relationship and they are more receptive to purchasing your services or products as a result.

Here is a simple formula that breaks up the task of writing your article into simple chunks that will make writing your next article a breeze.

Generally there are two main types of problem solving article:

"How to Articles" (eg "How to write the perfect article")

"Tips & Tricks" (eg "10 ways to promote your article")

Make the title of your article compelling to draw people in. Also, try to make your title unique that way when you search for it in the search engines (using the title of your article in quotes) you will know that all the entries which come up will be for your article.

Your opening sentence is vital. You need to grab the attention of the reader or they will not read your article. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Did you know that...

How many times have you...

Here’s an easy way to...

Next state the problem and make your first point followed by a more in-depth description. State your other points and go into more details for each.

Once you have finished making your points begin to wrap up your article with a summary and conclusion.

Finally you should end you master piece of problem solving with a call to action to get the reader to think or do something. That way when they see your resource box they are more likely to click on the link to your site or call you up.

Always check to make sure that your title still makes sense with respect to your article. Double check to make sure there are no spelling or grammatical errors.

So that's it. Problem solving articles help you build a strong relationship with your readers (customers) and are easy to write when you follow the simple formula.

Now go write your article and watch your business grow.

How to Write a Good Christian Article

1.    Take some time to brainstorm your Christian article topic.  Take a blank sheet of paper and list 10 topics that are related to the subject you want to write about.  If you have a web site you are promoting, what are the top 10 reasons someone might be interested in your web site?  What are the top 10 reasons someone might be interested in reading an article by you? 

2.    Create a great headline for your Christian article.  The reader must be intrigued by your headline (or title) or they will not read your article.  It is far better to write one article that has a good headline/title and gets read than to write 10 articles that have lousy titles.  Here are some suggestions:

•    How to (fill in the blank)
•    Why you should (fill in the blank)
•    Why you should not (fill in the blank)
•    Don’t ever (fill in the blank)
•    Top 8 Reasons for (fill in the blank)

Those are just starters—you can brainstorm and come up with so many more good Christian article titles.

3.    Organize your Christian article.

•    Start with an introduction or summary.  Take 1 to 3 sentences to state what you are going to write about. Sometimes it is actually easier to write this after you have written the article, especially if you are not very organized when you start out writing.
•    List several key points about your topic.  Expand on each of these—perhaps 2 to 5 sentences each.  You can number these, put them in bullets, or put each idea in a separate paragraph.  However you decide to do this, be sure and break the ideas down so the reader can easily see where each idea begins and ends.
•    Give the reader ideas for implementing your several key points.  Once again, you can use bullets or in this case, sentences or brief paragraphs.
•    Summarize your Christian article.  This will be similar to the introduction, but perhaps more oriented towards telling the reader what to do next—such as learning more or getting started with whatever your article topic was.

4.    Add a bio or resource section at the end of your article.  Give a one-sentence bio of yourself, perhaps where you live and your specialty or expertise, and then provide a link to your web site.  Most article directories will allow you to place a live link in this section.

5.    Keep these important points in mind as you write your Christian article:

•    Keep sentences short and concise.  Get your point across in as few words as possible.
•    Separate ideas, whether by numbering, bullets, or paragraphs.  Your Christian article should be easy to read.
•    Be sure your article is informative about your Christian topic; it should not read like one long sales pitch.

6.    Get writing!  Submit your Christian article to at least two article directories—the one in which you are reading this article, and my article directory, listed below in the author resource box.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Bronze Statues Make Great Corporate Gifts

Bronze statues are very beautiful and will definitely capture the attention of those that see them. You will often find them in front of different corporations as a symbol of their unity. They are very common corporate gifts because they can be sculpted into a variety of different types of designs. They can include a logo or animal that represents the business. Other times they can be to symbolize a partnership.

Bronze statues vary in size so they can be found inside of the building or outdoors. Either way they are a very lovely addition and they work well for any type of business. They don’t go out of style and they are very durable. They make a nice addition to any type of business décor you may have in the business.

There are plenty of unique styles of bronze statues to choose from and you can see plenty of them online. You might see some you like just by visiting different types of businesses. You can also have them custom made so they will make the perfect corporate gift with individual designs.

The cost of bronze statues depends on who they the artist is that sculpted them as well as the size of the statue. Bronze is relatively cheap but when you are talking about a very large statue the cost increases due to the overall weight of the project, not to mention the tie and creativity the artist put into the work.

Many employers choose to give their employees smaller bronze statues as a token of appreciation or as a Christmas gift. They can include a name plate with the name of the employee or a small message engraved into it. These bronze statues are the property of the employees and they can choose to keep them in their offices or take them home to display.

If you plan to purchase a large amount of bronze statues you should order them in advance. This way they will be sure to have enough of them available to fill your request. It is a good idea to buy some extra that you can give out to business contacts as well if you want to offer them a gift from your company. Make sure you check into getting a discount when you buy a large number of them.

Many online sites that offer bronze statues offer free brochures they will mail to you with the collections that they offer. This is a great way to see them and to even ask around to find out if they are something your employees would be interested in receiving as a gift. Even though you can see the pictures on their sites you may want something you can study in your own hands before you make a decision.

Bronze is very durable as well so you can be sure it is a corporate gift that is going to survive in an office or home environment. Showing your employees that you really appreciate their efforts is a great way to help them to feel happy in their role for the company. As a result they will be more productive and generally plan to stay with the company longer than those employees that don’t feel their efforts are appreciated.

Broadway Shows

Broadway shows refer to the most premium form of theatrical performance (both musicals and plays) staged in the theatrical district of Broadway (namely Midtown, and the theaters in and around Times Square). Not all theaters in that area qualify as Broadway theaters. This classification is determined by the terms and conditions of the Actors Equity guild. The 39 large theaters that qualify as Broadway theaters and stage Broadway shows have a capacity of 500 or more seats.

Broadway shows have tremendous mass appeal and are generally produced by professional production houses like Fox, the Walt Disney Company and the Schubert Organization, and theater groups like Manhattan Theatre club. They are extravagant shows involving expensive production and rely heavily on commercial success; they are mostly performed by stage artists. However, with the huge popularity they command have even movie actors are roped in easily for premium shows.

The Broadway shows are the mother of the American musical theater and have achieved worldwide popularity. Their mass popularity has drawn actors from foreign lands to perform at Broadway shows. People from across the globe vie for a sneak peek at a Broadway show. It is the most popular tourist attraction and engagement in New York. There are many touring Broadway shows across the country. Tickets to premium shows are available at premium prices.

For those not stationed in Broadway or the deal hunters’ online booking, Broadway clubs for subscribed tickets, and various other options are available. The official website for Broadway information,, provides exhaustive information regarding these shows. Some other websites that provides online information are, and  Playbill is a club that provides various benefits and free information, news to its members, and discounted and subscribed tickets to popular shows. Acclaimed Broadway shows are bestowed Tony Awards.

Some popular Broadway shows running this season are The Phantom Of the Opera, Wicked, The Lion King, Hairspray, Mama Mia, Chicago, and The Producers. Famous TV show host Oprah Winfrey showcased her first Broadway production, "The Color Purple". The shows range from musicals, dramas, comedies, contemporary shows, family shows and many more. However, children below six years of age are not usually permitted to attend such shows.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Get More Sales With These 5 Proven Headlines

It's important to realize that headlines work best when they appeal to your reader's interests (not yours). And not only can they *grab attention*, they can also make your message easy to read, convey your main selling points, and lead your customer to a sale.

Over the years copywriting pros have used several headline formulas that always work well. Here are my fab five:

1. The Question: "Are You Worried About Your Financial Future?"

A question headline automatically gets your readers involved in your message, because they answer it in their minds. Many people will read further into your letter, ad, or Web site copy just to find out what answer or solution you provide. Again, make sure the question focuses on the reader's interest, not yours. A bad example would be: "Do You Know What New Product We've Created This Year?" (No one cares but you!)

2. The How-to: "How to Get Thinner Thighs in 30 Days."

How-to headlines work very well, because people love information that shows them how to do something. (Thousands of book titles begin with "How to....") Think of the benefits your product/service offers and then try creating some "how to" headlines email newsletter.

3. The Testimonial: "Jane Smith's Consulting Is Pure Magic -- Our Sales Have Increased by 30%!"

Why not let your clients do the selling for you? Their commendations can go a long way in convincing others to use your services. Tip: To appear credible, always include your clients' full names and the cities they live in.

4. The Command: "Boost Your Business Today!"

Turn your most important benefit into a commanding headline, such as "Make More Time for Your Family," "Look Younger Instantly!" and "Get 7 New Clients This Month." (By the way, throwing a number into your headline is another good tactic. And readers seem to like odd numbers as opposed to even.)

5. The News: "Introducing Our New 'Rest-Assured' Tax Service!"

Caution: This only works if you truly have something big to announce that is of interest to the reader. (Something that will make her life or business better.) Don't try to make news out of something that's not.

Once your readers know you have something they're interested in, they'll take the time to read your entire article, brochure, letter, ad, e-zine, or Web page. So put some TLC into creating headlines that entice!

From Blog to Article

As a writer, do you sometimes/often/always find yourself at a loss as to what to write next? No, I am not talking about topics or subjects you already have nailed down. Rather, the simple desire to get started with something, anything to break the brain logjam. It could be a personal project or something you want to develop to show to a potential client the stuff that you are made of. Whatever, I have been there myself and have found that some of my sources of inspiration have come from blogs. You got it…sites that have sparked my creative juices and allowed me to take a concept and bring it to fruition.

Typically, I come across a blog geared toward a particular topic — let’s say aviation — and find something within that blog that catches my attention. It may be a trend, company news, even simple speculation. Oftentimes, what I read becomes the inspiration for a fresh article so I take that idea, do some additional research, and create my own new work.

No, I don’t cut and paste someone else’s writings. Instead, their pithy work becomes the seed that I germinate to produce a unique and compelling article of my own. The key here is this: it is my own voice, not someone else’s work.

We all have our favorite blogs, you can be certain of that. Spend some time on those particular blogs and see what inspires you. Who knows, but a sentence or a paragraph you read may gel your brain into producing a 500-750 word article that you can include in your vast repository of interesting and relevant work.

Gosh, I think that I may be on to something!

Become A Profitable Home-Based Freelancer

Freelance writing can be one of the most rewarding home based businesses ever and the benefits are many.

You can stay at home with your kids, and even if you are homeschooling you can freelance part time and homeschool the other part of the day

Becoming a freelance writer does not have to be hard.  It’s a matter of deciding what subject matter will be your specialty and keeping up to date on that topic with the latest information available whether that is a blog or forum or even subscribing to a particular print or trade magazine.

For all practical purposes you have to become the expert in that field. Freelancing and specializing on a particular topic can make you well known in your community and you can get requests to speak at certain civic organizations, schools and other special events

You need to decide who you clients are going to be and whether you will farm your services out to newspapers and online publications, start your own publication, or do both.

The sky is truly the limit as freelance writing is one of the most flexible home based businesses you can undertake.   Another option you may want to choose is to write advertising or pamphlets for local businesses as a copywriter. 

Becoming familiar with the advertising field in addition to the writing professional would be helpful in that you will gain a better understanding of how advertising copy is worded and other little nuances that are indicative of that field.

If you think you need to bone up on your writing skills or you feel you did not do well in high school English.  Don’t fear.  There are plenty home and online correspondence courses that will have you writing like a pro in no time at all.  Also you may want to checkout any extension courses offered at your local community college in your own town.

There are a number of online opportunities available to freelance writers.  New websites are popping up every day and if you have web designing skills in addition to writing skills, you can write you own ticket.

There are so many local businesses that do not have websites yet, nor do they have the expertise of a writer.  You could offer them a valuable service by providing both a basic website and the written copy for the pages.

Overall freelance writing can be a very profitable field and with a little imagination you can have a new career started from your very own kitchen in very little time at all.

Be sure to view our free “Be a Profitable Freelance Writer” video on our homepage then join our “Wealthy Business" newsletter and receive a free gift to help you get started in business on the internet within 3 days.

Beautifying Your Life With Scented Candles

Scented Candles are a great way to decorate, scent, or just add warmth to any area. Scented candles are a favorite of most people because they create a clean smell, the smell of home, or even the smell of the season with scented Christmas candles and such. Candles are so universal that they are used just about everywhere, such as work, home, and there are even wedding candles that are a great addition to any wedding decorating scheme. Highly scented candles are quite popular because with just one candle you can make the whole home or office smell great!

If you like your candles scented you’ll find that there are an almost unlimited number of scents for you to try. Online scented candle offers will often offer new scents that you can get in your local stores, or just great deals on the scents that you know you already love! Everything can be found online from scented Christmas candles to your typical tapers and pillars that you like for every day use. You can even find homemade scented candles online, or kits to help you learn how to make them yourself so you can customize colors and scents.

Candles are simply a great addition to any setting as they can add beauty along with wonderful scents that can make a new house feel like home, a decorated home feel like Christmas, or a just give the home a very clean scent. Because candles come in so many varieties and scents, there is a candle out there that is for everyone.

Grand Illusions was created by Nick Ronald and David Roberts in December 1987, initially with just one small store in St Margaret's, Twickenham. The mission was to promote gifts, cards and accessories of good design and taste at an affordable price - still very much the core business ethic to this day.

Shortly afterwards, they discovered and developed a paint range that was to transform their lives. In those days, painted furniture was something of a rarity, and a twenty two drawer chest painted in one of the new paints caught the eye of 'Homes & Gardens' magazine - the small feature resulted in over a thousand telephone calls and the seeds of the highly acclaimed furniture collection were sewn.

This also led to the publication of three Grand Illusions books on decorating techniques and design inspiration, published in five countries by Ebury Press and accompanied by guest appearances on BBC2's Home Front and various local BBC radio stations.

They published their first mail-order catalogue in 1990 which was immediately voted as one of the top 200 catalogues in a new worldwide review and several issues later, they were awarded the contract to operate 'Country Living by Post' on behalf of the magazine, in addition to their own unique programme.

Today, the company's activities are currently concentrated on their two stores in St Margarets and Shaftesbury, with mail-order, paint studio, trade-sales and distribution also located in Dorset. The team regularly exhibit at quality retail and trade fairs like Country Living, Top Drawer and the RHS Flower Shows at Chelsea, Hampton Court and Tatton Park. Their products are now available at quality retail outlets across the UK and some stores in Japan, USA and Germany.

The publication of this web-site sees the return to mainstream mail-order for the accessory collection, which is just one of the exciting developments planned for the near future - so watch this space.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Bacara El Preferido Del Agente 007

El Agente 007 y su audacia con el juego continúan deslumbrando año tras año a sus sensuales compañeras en escena y derrotando a sus astutos enemigos.

El Bacara: El Juego preferido del clásico James Bond: Bacará y el Agente 007

El Bacará es el clásico juego de apuestas originado en Italia en el siglo 15 y es también característico del famoso espía 007. En cada escena lo identifican una elegancia y excelencia, que junto con su impecable  Martini en mano y las apuestas en otra James Bond ha mantenido una leyenda desde su origen desde los años 50 hasta el presente. Es así como el espía ingles domina la versión francesa del juego Bacará llamada Chemin de Fer con gran talento y admiración.

Bacara siempre fue popular entre la alta sociedad, especialmente en el siglo 15, cuando surgió en Italia. Bacara significa cero en italiano y a lo largo de su expansión en diferentes países nuevas reglas y variaciones fueron inventadas y adaptadas como en Estados Unidos o en Francia el Chemin de Fer, o el denominado Juego de James Bond.

El juego consiste en el "Jugador" y la "Banca"  el nombre que se la a las opciones de apuestas, estos son repartidos dos o tres cartas cada uno con el objetivo simple de llegar a 9 sin pasarse de el. Mientras tanto la banca decide según las reglas del juego cuando detener la jugada y los jugadores ya han debido apostar a cual de las dos Jugador o Banca ganara la mano. Los jugadores o el jugador apuesta y el que apuesta a la mano que gano el puntaje mas correcto, gana la mano. En la adaptación americana, el juego funciona en contra a la banca, mientras que en Chemin de Fer, los jugadores compiten el uno con el otro. Uno representa al jugador y el otro a la Banca.

En compañía del Chemin de Fer los libros de Ian Fleming junto a las adaptaciones en escena de James Bond, han deslumbrado por décadas las diferentes aventuras del espía, con ayuda de su impecable poder del juego y su atractivo estilo. Hasta su último estreno en el 2006 James Bond sigue disfrutando de la lujuria de las mesas verdes de los casinos junto a su cigarro y el su sensual compañera en acción. En el anio 1964, las novelas y capítulos de James Bond, fueron escritas por Kingsley Amis, John Pearson, John Gardner, Raymond Benson, y Charlie Higson. Tambien sus actores variaron comenzando con el conocido Sean Connery, siguiendo con Geroge Lazenby, Roger Moore, Tomothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan y Daniel Craig.

Si observas, es muy interesante ver la manera en que el Agente apuesta al juego y a su vez actúa y descubre los secretos que lo rodean con la misma rapidez, seguridad y astucia. Enlas películas de James Bond el juego Chemin de Fer transcurre en elegantes salas llenas de mujeres elegantes y hombres adinerados que detrás del juego tienen otros intereses por revelar. En la realidad el enlace entre el Bacará y El Agente 007 es de un acompañante fiel de aventuras secretas y emocionantes de mas de cinco décadas que hicieron de el una leyenda inolvidable que resurge de generación en generación.

Avnex Music Morpher Gold 3.0 – A Closer Look

Of all the features in Avnex Music Morpher Gold 3.0, the Editor contains a truly impressive collection of powerful and versatile audio tools. Let’s take an in-depth look at the various effects and filters built-in to this program.  While most of them can be accessed on the fly in the Music Player and applied real time, these effects are only active during playback.  To permanently alter your audio files you have to open them within the editor.  You can work with one file or multiple files in multi-session mode.

What you can do.  The selection is seemingly endless.  There are 60 major filters and effects to work with. Plus support for Direct X and VST.  That’s just the surface; let’s take a detailed look at the power contained within these modules.  If you are familiar with basic audio terms, most of these modules will be familiar to you, but you may not have encountered such depth and precision available to you in one program.  Here’s the detailed list of the AVnex Music Morpher Effects Library:

Voice Morphing
o    Cher Modification - 10 presets 8 controls
o    Frequency Morpher - 11 presets and a graphic interface
o    Robot Voice - 9 presets 2 sliders
o    Root Formant Mover - 8 presets 2 sliders
o    Tempo Morpher - 11 presets one slider
o    Voice LPC Pitch Changer - 6 presets one slider
o    Voice Morpher - 16 presets 3 sliders
o    Voice Extractor  - 3 presets7 sliders
o    Voice Remover  - 3 presets 4 sliders
o    Voice Extractor  - 5 sliders
o    Voice Remover - 5 sliders

o    2 order equalizer - 17 presets 10 sliders graphic control
o    4 order equalizer - 17 presets 10 sliders graphic control
o    Graphic Equalizer - 13 presets 1 slider graphic control with 2 scales
o    Linear Phase Equalizer - 17 presets 10 slides graphic control

o    Low Bass Filter - 16 presets 3 slides graphic control
o    High "        " - 6 presets 3 slides graphic control
o    Band  "      " - 8 presets 4 slides graphic control
o    Band Reject Filter - 7 presets 3 sliders graphic control
o    FIR Bass Filter - 16 presets 3 sliders graphic control

o    Amplitude Morpher - 8 presets graphic control 2 scales 2 curves
o    Auto Loudness - 12 presets 2 sliders
o    Change Channel - 9 presets 2 sliders
o    Constant - 2 settings
o    Dynamics Morpher - 8 presets 2 sliders graphic control
o    Fade In - 4 types 1 slider
o    Fade Out - 4 types 1 slider
o    Invert - 3 presets 2 settings
o    Limiter - 16 presets 2 sliders
o    Multiband Dynamics - 8 presets compression ratio/threshold graph
o    Normalize - 6 presets 2 sliders
o    Volume - 15 presets 2 sliders

Echo and Reverb
o    Complex Delay - 14 presets 7 sliders
o    Delay - 22 presets 5 sliders
o    Mega Reverb - 15 presets 5 sliders
o    PingPong - 12 presets 7 sliders
o    Resonance - 6 presets 6 sliders
o    Reverberation - 10 presets 7 sliders 3 line controls
o    Stick Channels - 17 presets 9 sliders

o    Pseudo Surround 12 presets 3 sliders
o    Surround - 24 presets 2 sliders

o    Beat Tracking - 50 presets 2 sliders import capable
o    Chorus - 15 presets 4 sliders 5 options
o    Chorus Plus - 11 presets 8 sliders
o    Detonation - 14 presets 7 sliders
o    Distortion - 5 presets 4 sliders
o    Envelope Morpher - 10 presets 2 sliders graphic control
o    Flanger - 8 presets 5 sliders sine/feedback control
o    Hardcore Beat - 8 presets 7 sliders
o    Karaoke - 4 presets 1 slider
o    Music by Voice Morpher - 4 sliders file input option
o    Noise Reduction - 9 presets 2 sliders
o    Rhythm to Noise - 7 presets 24 sliders each with 4 waveform settings linear and log scales
o    Spectral Peak Enhancer - 6 presets 3 sliders
o    Squeak - 8 presets 5 sliders
o    Tremolo - 7 presets 5 sliders
o    Vibrato - 3 presets 3 sliders
o    Vibrato Plus - 10 presets 2 sliders time/offset graph
o    Wave - 16 presets 5 sliders 6 waveforms
o    Wah Wah Filter - 10 presets 6 sliders 2 scales band filters

Have you ever seen a more comprehensive list of audio tools?  This module alone sets Music Morpher Gold head and shoulders above the competition.  Besides the ability to play almost any audio file and to morph them on the fly, beyond the amazing variety of audio tools, you can also burn CDs, organize your audio files, rip audio CDs, create covers and liner notes for your CDs, and capture/record from any input device. Truly this is a masterpiece of audio software that will provide you with the means of fulfilling any of  your audio dreams.

Common Mistakes When Article Writing

As an article directory owner, there are several common mistakes that many article authors make, some of which may directly affect how successful an article is in its purpose of website promotion.

One of the most common errors that are made is not reading over an article to check for spelling errors. Although it is understandable that the occasional spelling mistake may go unnoticed, it is not uncommon to find articles with dozens of errors throughout. This immediately conveys that the article author is not as bothered about the article as they should be and is merely using it to try and get their resource box link out to as many sites as possible.

But what about human visitors using article directories?

In order to gain traffic directly from article directories it is important that the article is interesting but also grammatically correct and spell checked, so that readers will respect the article and will be more likely to read it to the end and follow the resource box link. An article author who does not spell check an article after completion is not only missing out on a lot of promotion and wasting time submitting to article directories that reject the article, but also from the direct traffic that could have been received from the directories that do accept it.

One surprising mistake that is made by some, although not as common as spelling and grammatical errors, is an incorrect/broken link provided in the resource area. This area is meant to be the section where a reader will read a brief promotional segment about what you and your website offers and then to hopefully follow the link to your site. However, on occasions mistakes are made in the URL. For example I have noticed a website with an URL such as "" spelt as "". This is an obvious typo which many article directory owners will notice and correct, however it is possible that a lot of traffic and link popularity is being lost from directory owners who miss the error and accept the article "as is".

Another mistake, and one that is a pet hate of many article directory owners, is article authors who do not read a sites terms of service and article submission guidelines prior to submission. This is shown repeatedly when authors submit articles with more links in the resource box, for example, or directly linking to an affiliate program. Although many errors are corrected by article directory owners, there are some that are simply rejecting articles that do not abide by the submission guidelines, as there are so many others to review that there is no time to correct articles.

To increase the likelihood of an article being accepted, ensure that the layout is correctly formatted. This is to say that the article is not formatted to a specific line width but instead should flow to the end of the line and onto the following line. Space paragraphs clearly as paragraphs with a line space between them.

Probably the biggest point to remember here is to double check an article before submission. If possible, also have a friend read the article to check for errors. Doing so will allow for the best possible results to be gained from the submission.

Choosing a Topic For Your Article

There are many things to consider when writing an article. One of the main ones is the choice of topic. Choosing a topic you are passionate about is important for several reasons.

· Your writing will not only flow more easily, but your enthusiasm will show through and affect the reader in a positive way.

· Editors like enthusiasm in writing.

· You will know much about your topic, thus saving a lot of time in research.

· Your writing task will be a joy to do.

You might feel that writing in the area of your interest is too limiting, but it is possible to branch out into areas that are similar. For instance, if your area of expertise is in chemistry, then writing about health should not be too much of a learning curve. It will also give you a wider scope for selling your articles. Many magazines have a health section. Health topics can be widened to include such topics as sporting injuries and how to treat them, or nutrition. Nutrition can focus on various age groups. See how the ripples widen? In no time you’ll be able to submit articles to many different magazines or websites and you’ll still be writing with passion and enthusiasm.

Choosing your own topic is easier if you decide to write freelance. You can submit to magazines specializing in that topic, but what happens if you are asked to write about a topic you hate, or know little about? If you are a skilled researcher and writer you will bring all your skills to bear on doing the job correctly. Otherwise, consider refusing. If, for example, you are asked to write about finance and investments and you are not even familiar with the terms used, then unless you are a quick learner and love research, your reputation might suffer.

Publishing articles on the Internet is even riskier to your reputation, since there is not always an editor to scrutinize the details and say yea or nay. You must not only get your facts right, but offer good solid meat in your article. An article that includes the basic information that everyone but the man from Mars knows, will make you a laughing stock in the article world.

For example, everyone knows that Fido needs to be fed, watered and exercised properly to be a happy doggie. But does everyone know that his drooping ears need to be inspected carefully for ticks or disease? Do they know the symptoms of a certain disease that particular breed is prone to and what to do about it? Have they heard about that old remedy that will save them a bomb at the vet? If you can provide information such as this in your article, you will soon have a happy readership.