Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Different Ways Artists Can Use Lyrics

Often times music lyrics are simply used to create catchy words that people hear. These words are designed to appeal and convince people to buy CDs and attend concerts of a certain artist. There are other reasons, however, that artists choose their lyrics as they do. Lyrics are heard by all of an artist’s audience and can occasionally be beneficial to a cause or an idea. This article will explore the different reasons artists create lyrics in the way that they do.

A common usage of lyrics in this day and age is to critique the current state, or even form, of government in a country. It is quite common for folk of any nationality to be unhappy with their governing powers for one reason or another. In the United States there is much concern over the way President Bush has handled the issues of terrorism, oil, and even immigration in recent days. Rather than coming out publicly with speeches, many artists hide messages of their disgust into their lyrics. Often times people will hear their message more often and more clearly through music than in a boring speech in which people can simply change the channel. A musical group who created these type of lyrics often was Rage Against the Machine, although they have been broken up for quite some time now.

Lyrics can also be used to reminisce about good times or bad times had as a child or teenager. Often times these years are the ones that shape a person and who he or she is going to be when they grow up. So it makes sense that as an adult, many artists feel the need to pay homage to this crucial part of their life. Many of these song’s lyrics focus in on past relationships long forgotten, good times had with best friends, and even sometimes traumatic experiences with abusive or uncaring parents or relatives. Whatever the topic is, being able to sing about their past memories allows artists to release whatever emotion they are feeling.

Of course it would be a mistake to claim all lyrics are meaningful and are made with some ulterior message underneath. Often times artists are simply looking for songs to make them more money and just garble together some nonsense about dancing and making money into a song. While these lyrics certainly do not have any real positive message, most of the time, they are still among the most popular of the youth today. There is no real problem with this, however, as kids shouldn’t be worried about deep meanings at every point of their life. They should be able to feel good about themselves and have fun for no reason when they are young!

Song lyrics are something that almost every genre of music has, and it is important to realize that some songs are made with interior meanings. Without recognizing that a song may mean more than simply the words it displays from the exterior, it is easy to overlook an artist’s true creation and art and to give them less credit than they deserve.

Different Kinds Of Leather

There are a variety of different kinds of leather. Some kinds of leather are differentiated by the way that the leather is prepared. Animal hides can be prepared by vegetable tanning, chrome tanning, boiling, and rawhide treatment. Each different method of tanning results in a different kind of leather.

Leather that is vegetable tanned results in a leather that can be supple and strong. The one major drawback of this kind of leather is that is easily damaged by water. Exposure to water will cause the leather to change colors, shrink, and become stiff. Vegetable tanned leather gets its name due to the fact that the various vegetable materials are used to tan the hides.

Chrome tanning is a kind of leather tanning that uses salts to tan the leather. Chrome tanned leather holds its shape and suppleness better if it is exposed to water. Another benefit to this kind of leather is that it can be tanned in different colors, as opposed to vegetable tanned leather, which is varying shades of brown.

Boiling produces a kind of leather that is not traditionally used for clothes, upholstery, and other needs that require a supple leather. The boiling process produces a hard leather, and is most often used as a binding material for books.

Rawhide is a process where the animal hides are stripped down, becoming thin and rough. They are then soaked in a solution containing lime and then stretched. Rawhide is used for shoe and other types of laces, as well as drum heads.

When you are choosing the kind of leather that you want, you should consider the intended use. Leather is used for such a variety of projects that it is important to recognize what type of leather is best suited for your intended use. The kind of leather that would be used for upholstery is very different than the kind of leather that would be used for clothing or saddles.

Most kinds of leather originate from cow hides. There are, of course, other, more exotic kinds of leather available. Some, such as lamb, are relatively common, while others, such as kangaroo, are relatively rare. Leather can technically come from the hide of any particular animal, but when a kind of leather other than cow hide is used it is usually for one of two reasons.

The first is fashion. When someone wants to use a different kind of leather, such as crocodile or ostrich, it is usually to make a fashion statement. The wide variety of available textures and colors mean that there are leather choices that will suit many tastes.

The second reason that exotic or rare leathers are used is for function. Some kinds of leather have properties that make them appealing for specific uses. Depending on the intended use, you may want a leather that is stronger, softer, more supple, or more pliant. There are many different choices among species used to manufacture leather. Making the best selection will make your end product more effective and longer lasting.

Get A 6 Figure Book Advance

It's the dream of 81% of the population to write a book. No matter how many times people tell you how difficult it is to do, nearly everyone wants to do it. There hangs a certain romance around writers. I think it's a kind of nostalgia or grieving for some forgotten part of ourselves. We long to return to a place where magic and imagination are revered.

Others may just want the quick glory or fast buck they associate with being an author. But whatever you want, getting a 6-figure book advance is possible if you have the skill, drive and know-how. Here are five tips to get you started on achieving the dream of becoming a well-paid, respected author.

1. Know the Industry

Educate yourself on how the publishing industry works. Unlike the old days when publishers were looking to cultivate long-term relationships with authors who would be in their stable, today their top priority is just to sell books.

When I was traveling in Mexico this year I met a woman whose husband has been a best-selling author for twenty years in England. He has had the same agent and publisher for those same twenty years. Every time he came out with a new book his publishers expected it to be "number one" on the English equivalent of the New York Times bestseller list. They worked with him to make it so. In America the bottom line is king. You must be able to substantiate your claim that your book will fly off the shelves, without any help from the publisher.

2. Prove There is a Market for Your Book

In today's world you need to show that your book will sell to one large audience, or many smaller niche audiences. Quantify each audience with statistics that show that they buy books on that subject. It's not enough to say that this audience would be interested in your topic. You must be able to prove beyond a doubt with your well-researched facts that your readers are a *book buying* audience.

3. Develop a Platform

This is the most important aspect of your proposal after you've proven that there is a pressing need for your book and that book buying audiences will scoop it up. A platform is simply YOUR ability to sell books to the audience that you have said will buy-from you.

It's all about the numbers. How many people are on your e-zine list? How many people do you speak to every month? How many people buy your products and services now? Do you have big name corporations or organizations that will buy your books in bulk? Do you have a regular column, or write for publications? Are you frequently seen in the media? If you don't have an impressive platform you don't get a 6-figure advance.

4. Map out a Marketing Plan to Promote Your Book.

Your plan should include everything from speaking engagements, online marketing, licensing, and media placements. It must be realistic and do-able. In other words you can't say that you'll speak to organizations of 1000 people or more if you've never done it.

What do publishers hate most?

When you say that you're right for Oprah. Unless you've already been a guest and taped the show please NEVER say this if you don't want your reputation instantly sullied.

Instead show how you will build on your past publicity. If hosts or producers say that they want you back for another segment because you did such a good job the first time, say it. But if you haven't done much media to date, don't fret.

You can begin today and get a substantial number of profiles, features, and comments in the media in a few months by joining PRLeads,a service which delivers reporters queries (the stories they need experts for) daily to your email box.

5. Get Endorsements

Big names sell products in a big way. Getting known names of celebrities, best-selling authors, actors, athletes, well- known experts in your field, media personalities, any famous name that has glitter gives you the kind of credibility that can't be bought.

One of my clients, who got a number of New York Times best-selling authors to write about him, accomplished three things with his endorsements. Each person who wrote about him told a different story about why he would be a winning author. The first one lauded him as a highly successful professional. The second stated that my client's book filled a gap that her book failed to address. The third demonstrated that the people my client was trying to reach were an avid book buying market hungry for his type of book- as they had bought hers.

These meaningful endorsements effectively helped him get his 6-figure advance. (And he got media coached by me before he met the editors at the big New York Publishing houses who then bid on his book at auction).

Don't just get endorsements saying you're terrific. Make your endorsements do double duty by helping you prove there is a market and that you're the one they want to buy from. This is the type of information that makes you stand out from the other 150,000 authors who are published every year, most of whom never earn back their advance. Don't be one of them. Instead, follow this advice and you'll be well on your way to earning a 6 figure book advance. Good luck!

Expelling The Duplicate Content Myth Associated With PLR Content

If there’s one thing that scares an internet marketer more than anything else, it has to be the fear of having all their sites delisted because of duplicate content. But what if I said you had a better chance of being ‘eaten by a shark’ then you would of being picked up for violating this regulation set out by Google and the other search engines!

Expelling The Myth Once And For All

So when in the past has a site been delisted directly as a result of using PLR content? Very rarely I can tell you! In fact I haven’t met a single marketer who uses PLR content that has been caught violating the duplicate content rule. So what does this mean? It means that whatever you’ve been told about the connection between PLR content and the duplicate content rule is for want of another word completely ‘bogus’.

We all know that when you purchase PLR content, the chances are you’re going to have to share it with a certain number of marketers. This in affect has been a major deterrent from purchasing such content, even though the real truth is, it’s completely safe.

So What Is The Duplicate Content Rule?

The duplicate content rule affects those who copy a site, word for word, as well as mimicking the exact design and layout of the other site in question. Well of course they’re going to delist you if you do this! You may as well download someone else’s site and re-upload it to your own server under a different domain!

Using PLR content however on a completely unique looking site, won’t offend the search engines at all and why should it? Sure you may have some content on your site that is the same somewhere else, but you may also have some other unique content that will benefit the visitors to your site.

Rewriting PLR Content

I bet I know what you’re thinking. Your thinking “why has this guy been telling us this whole time that PLR content is completely safe and now he’s going to talk about rewriting!” Well the truth is there are more advantages to using unique content then there is for using just straight copied PLR content.

Think about it for a minute. Would the search engines be more likely to rank a page with unique content rather then a page that has the same content found elsewhere? Of course! Now you’re thinking “what’s the point in having PLR content then?” Well when we say rewrite that only means rewriting a fraction of the PLR content you have available. 25% would be a good amount to aim for, which should take you barely any time at all. This insures your pages are going to be looked at by the search engines as being unique content, which will more than likely boost their rankings up higher than those articles copied word for word.

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Croisière Pour Lune De Miel

Les bateaux de croisière sont de plus en plus spacieux, afin de vous offrir le meilleur en matière de détente et relaxation et vous proposent de découvrir de plus en plus de destinations de rêves, de l'Alaska aux Caraïbes en passant par l'Europe.

Les croisières vous offrent un confort digne d'un cinq étoiles, son lot d'aventures, ainsi que l'opportunité de connaître de nouvelles personnes et de vous faire de nouveaux amis.

Mais pour la réussite de votre lune de miel, la croisière doit comprendre à son bord:
1) Du Champagne et des fraises dès votre montée à bord
2) Des canapés et autres attentions dans votre cabine un soir de votre choix
3) Une soirée "Lune de Miel" spécialement destinée à votre attention
4) Mettre à votre disposition des photographes

Pour cela, choisissez bien votre bateau. Celui-ci doit vous offrir les salles et le confort minimal suivant:

1) Des Restaurants devant vous fournir des repas de haute qualité,

2) Des Pubs, vous proposant les meilleures bières irlandaises ainsi que du champagne, doivent être disponible aux quatre coins du bateau et près des salles de SPA et solarium,

3) Au minimum un Centre de conférence,

4) Des activités sportives comme un Centre de Fitness, parours de golf, terrains de basket ball et volley ball, mur d'escalade, piste de jogging, patinoire, jeu de palets et bien d'autres encore;

5) Des activités sportives et éducatives pour les enfants telles le Club enfants pour les enfants de 3 à 17 ans comprenant une discothèque, des jeux vidéo et même un espace où leur est servi un repas;

6) Des Salons de beauté, un Complexe thermal complet incluant Sauna, Spa et Solarium;

7) Pour vos loisirs: Piscines, Jacuzzis, Casino pour pouvoir vous divertir dans une ambiance Las Vegas à l'aide de ses machines à sous, Discothèque, Salle de spectacles, Salle de cartes, Café internet, un théâtre.

8) Mais aussi des services du quotidiens tels: Galerie Marchande (avec bijouterie, magasin de souvenirs, de photos), Bibliothèque, Centre médical, Blanchisserie, et enfin une Chapelle nuptiale.

Les bateaux recommandés pour ce genre de séjour dépendent énormément de vos goûts et du choix de votre destination, à savoir si vous rechercher une évasion romantique au travers des forets tropicales et des plages ensoleillées ou culturelle pour visiter des monuments historiques et découvrir des mentalités étrangères. Pour cela, les listes ne seraient être complètes.

Les deux bateaux de croisières les plus connus sont les suivants:
1) Jewel of the Seas:
Mis en service en mai 2004, le Jewel of the Seas est caractérisés par l'allure innovante des super-yachts. Il possède un design avancé avec ses grandes surfaces vitrées dans les espaces publics et des ascenseurs de verre donnant sur l'océan.

2) Explorer of the Seas:
En route vers les Antilles. Ce paquebot est le plus grand au monde. Vous y trouverez plus d'activités et d'expériences que vous ne pouvez imaginer. Découvrez des aspects novateurs tels que le mur d'escalade vous permettant de vous élever au dessus de l'océan, la patinoire où vous pourrez déguster un chocolat chaud. Le soir, les boutiques, les cafés et autres animations du Royal Promenade s'ouvrent à vous. Cette esplanade, où il fait bon se promener, s'étale sur une longueur équivalente à deux terrains de football et fait 4 ponts de hauteur.

Croatia Holidays - Between The Alps And Adriatic Sea

Magical adventures in Croatia with hundreds of sparkling waterfalls and more than a thousand islands set amid the blue of the sea, green mountain rivers and streams, virgin canyons, wild karst and mellow plains.

Nestling between the Alps and the Adriatic Sea, in the south-eastern part of the European continent, Croatia jealously protects eight national parks, ten nature parks and a whole range of special reserves, including plant life, animals, geological formations, hydrological phenomena, all within a small but rich area that can be travelled by car from one end to another in a single day.

Many paths run between rivers, mountain peaks, tiny island ports and beaches, leading to Illyrian hill forts, to Roman ruins, to towns and cities that are themselves monuments, to ethno-entities of popular architecture.

Countless footpaths and trekking trails beckon you to venture into beauty and discover the magic of nature - in the mountains, river valleys and canyons, through karstic plains and dense forests, to rock-bound islands and lush green hills. Within this most diverse of reliefs walkers and hikers can reach even the most mysterious areas strewn between sea level and the highest peak on Dinara (1831 m): in nature parks, nature reserves, national parks and other areas with particular attractions from the aspect of adventure - in Slavonic and Baranja, Northern Croatia (Hrvatsko zagorje, Medimurje, Podravina), Gorski kotar, Istria, Dalmatia and Zagorje, on hundreds of isles and islands, and down the length of the Dinara range extending along the coastline. Then there are Ucka, Velebit, Mosor, Biokovo, Snijeznica in the far south - oil offering a wealth of challenges.

Sailing It is easy to capture favourable winds among such a number of islands as exist in Croatian territorial waters - whether blowing from the land or the sea. The strength of wind and waves is not unusually excessive, but should you have had enough just sail for the nearest sheltered bay. Fully equipped sailboats of various categories (with or without a skipper) can be hired from any one of the dozens of marinas situated up and down the coast and on the islands. Yachting clubs and marinas are numerous and well equipped. We are recommending sailing regio at Zadar, Sibenik und Dubrovnik.

Alpinists and freestyle climbers will find the right climbing environment in both the continental and littoral regions, with some climbing sites being located quite close to towns and popular Croatia holiday resorts (Zagreb, Ogulin, Rovinj, Paiin, Split, Ornls...]. Routes ranging from several meters long for beginners, to several hundred meters for specialists, are open to climbing enthusiasts on the rocks of Paklenica, Velebit, Ucka, in the Dinara range (including Dinara-Ornis), Mosor, Biokovo and others, and on the islands (Brac, Vis, Mljet). The best known climbing destinations in the continental parts of the country are on the mountains of Klek, Papuk, Kalnik, on Samarske stijene and Bijele stijene

Well, I think yell get a perfect Croatia holidays!